Soul Power Kinesiology Course August Intake

Touch for Health Course June Intake

In professional mentoring sessions  you can discuss and receive help with any aspect of their practice, workshops or anything affecting the way they work. This could be setting up in practice, problems arising within sessions, maintaining a thriving business, or help with running workshops and groups. Mentoring sessions focus on your growth and development as an individual and as a practitioner.

Individual sessions for kinesiology practitioners, teachers and students

  1. You will receive advice and guidance from an expert in the field.
  2. They will invest time, energy, knowledge and caring in you and your success.
  3. Together you can discover effortless ways to reach your potential, using methods and taking paths which work best for you and your individual talents and needs.
  4. A mentor will inspire & motivate you to keep on track with your dreams, using language, time-frames and encouragement which work for you.
  5. Mentors know what it takes to succeed- and how to ride the bumps in the road! They have been there & done it.

5 Good Reasons to Have a Mentor

As a mentee you will need to be prepared to, grown and learn, be challenged with support, set goals and bring issues to work on. You will be expected to take responsibility for your own self- development, following up actions and your part in this two-way process. You will be able to bring to a session any issue regarding developing your business, your career, your health as a practitioner or increasing your job satisfaction and above all, your personal growth as you see it. Everything which moves you towards your potential and desires can be brought to your mentor.

Getting the Most Out of Mentoring

Each session you will be required to bring issues to work on, set goals and work towards achieving them. You mentor will help you to prioritise, focus and navigate to where you want to be. This can be anything from starting up your own practise, clarification on a specific technique, how to deal with a challenging behaviour of a client or colleague. Together, we will work out how best to monitor progress and what success looks like for you, as well as celebrating it along the way.

Goal Setting and Tracking

Your mentor is an experienced professional. They will be your biggest champion, provide continued support and always look out for you. They will guide you if they consider you are stepping outside the limits of your competence, need to refer to other professionals, taking the wrong track to reach your goals or heading for burn out!

A Safety Net

This is a confidential space to discuss issues that are bothering you. Having the correct support and guidance will help you define strategies for confidently tackling issues yourself. You can consider how to set and maintain healthy boundaries. When a client attempts to get around professional boundaries, how you would manage the situation. Work life balance. Ways to maintain your own energy and vitality.

Wellbeing Watch

You will develop your own inner mentor, able to reflect and review on your progress. As your mentor I will use tools to help you learn from your mistakes, have emotional resilience and move forward positively from set- backs.

Learning, Growing and Self-Reflection

  • Client behaviour which may be difficult to interpret.
  • Your feelings towards clients and the impact this has on you.
  • Blocks you are experiencing within your work.
  • Fears, beliefs, judgements and attitudes and the impact of these.

Space and Opportunity to Explore

Mentoring Sessions Provide:

get in touch to learn more

Touch for Health Mentoring Session
NZ$165 per hour (in person or via Zoom or Skype)

With over 20 years of teaching and mentoring experience, both in Germany and New Zealand, as well as a wide-ranging background in complementary therapies I believe in life-long learning and development and love to share my skills, knowledge and love for Touch for Health Kinesiology. I feel fortunate to have had mentors in my private and personal life and would like to pass my wisdom on. I am passionate about empowering others to become active in the creation of their own life and well-being.

​Meet Your Mentor -Alex Bowles

Your Message




Want to learn more about how I can help you with mentoring and how to get started? Email me directly at, fill out the form below to get in touch.

Let's Chat About Mentoring!

Motivating and fun sessions!

"I have done four sessions with Alex for Mentoring. The sessions have been excellent; motivating, creative, fun and extremely helpful in opening up my thoughts to better move forward through my next phase in business and life. Thank you Alex"

Kathy moore

Let's Connect on IG